Card of the Month: The Tower
Hi Friends,
I hope you’re doing well. I started writing this blog as an update and I ended up writing about something completely different. I’m about to go on a little rant about 2020 and Tarot. If that doesn’t sound appealing to you, please feel free to skip to the bulleted list at the end for some updates and general information. I will not be offended.
If you’re still here, strap in, we’re going on a journey. Does anyone else feel like 2020 drew the Tower Card? If you’re unfamiliar with Tarot, the Tower card usually depicts a tower in flames, lightning, and people falling to their death. I don’t believe that there are any bad cards in Tarot but there are a couple of cards that indicate that uncomfortable stuff is happening or about to happen in your life and the Tower is one of them.
Broadly speaking, when The Tower is upright it means sudden change, chaos, upheaval, revelation and awakening. When the Tower is reversed it means personal transformation, fear of change, and averting disaster. It feels like 2020 drew the upright Tower and all of us as individuals have drawn the reverse tower. Shit has hit the fan and big changes are coming. So much good change is going to happen because of 2020 but living through it sucks. Australia was on fire, we almost had World War 3, there was a global pandemic, and systemic racism/ police brutality hit a boiling point. And it’s only JUNE. We still have 6 more months to get through. It’s pretty easy to fall into a spiral of hopelessness right now.
The Tower card is a scary. You’ve been comfortable living in your gorgeous tower, living life to the fullest. Maybe you have been so comfortable in your tower that you didn’t notice that the roof leaks, that it’s too hot in the summer and too cold in the winter, and that it’s built on a bad foundation. One day, lightning strikes and it illuminates all the flaws in your tower. Once you start to notice the flaws, your tower starts to crumble. That sucks. The tower was your home and now you have nowhere to live. Life has become uncomfortable and hard. It’s super easy to fall into the thinking that things will always be uncomfortable and hard. But you have to look at the silver lining. You can rebuild your tower and it will be stronger than ever. I mean it’s going to feel awful for a while but the suffering will be temporary and you’ll be so much better off in the long run.
The upright Tower deals with external chaos and change. There’s a lot of that going on right now. The reverse Tower deals with internal chaos and change. You might not want to deal with internal stuff right now because 2020 is a trash fire. We need to prioritize coming together as a community and make significant changes to the systems we have in place. That’s totally true but on an individual level it’s important to look within to see what changes need to occur in your head and in your heart. It might be time to let the tower within you crumble so that you can build a better one. It’s hard work. Make changes. Try to be kind to yourself through the process and take care. Maybe get some ice cream.
That’s just what I’ve been thinking about lately. I didn’t mean to write that though. I wanted to give you some important information about the store… oh well, here it is in point form:
- Express window is open Tuesday – Saturday from 1pm – 4pm for mask sales, pre-arranged purchases and curbside pickup
- We are taking private one on one shopping appointments in store. Contact us to book yours. We may ask you to wear a mask and/ or sanitize your hands. Please do not book an appointment if you have COVID symptoms or have been in contact with someone who has COVID in the past 14 days. We reserve the right to refuse appointments if we don’t think it’s safe.
- We are having a 50% off sale on imported items! Corsets, waist cinchers, skirts, and jackets are all less than $100! The sale is offered online and in store.
- We restocked some Face Masks. We are continuing to make them in house and we are donating one to health care workers for every mask sold.
- There’s new summer dresses and faux fur festival hoods available online and in store.
If your year was a Tarot card what would it be? Let us know on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter. Stay safe. Be fabulous.